Do You Have a Minute?

Lots of emotions come to the surface when someone asks me that question. Is something wrong? Are they mad at me? Or better yet, they must be trying to sell me something I don’t need. Believe it or not, one minute of your time is very valuable. I’ve heard it said, time is the only non-renewable resource in the world. You can get more money.. even more stuff.. but time is hard to buy nowadays.

In a world in a hurry, one minute can feel like an eternity. You honestly may not have one minute in your day to spare. How busy are you these days? A few years ago, a friend gave me some of the best advice I’ve ever been given.. "You’re in a hurry, and hurry will hurt you." Carl Jung said it like this, "hurry is not of the devil, it is the devil."

Maybe that’s why Jesus said in Matthew 28 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest." He knew there would be a day where people were so busy, rest would optional.

Now here is my challenge to you. Take one minute today at some point, and do nothing. You heard me right. Absolutely nothing. Turn your phone off, tv, iPad, all the noise machines, and get quiet for one minute. I’m finding it’s the pauses in life where God really speaks. But unfortunately, many people don’t have a minute. I want to give you a prayer that has helped me. In that one minute, while your quiet and disconnected, simply pray "I give everyone and everything to you, God." It’s a simple prayer, but a powerful one.